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    Bio-Mechanical Stimulation (also known as BMS) is a kind of massage therapy that employs advanced techniques from science and advanced body mechanisms to treat chronic injuries and illnesses. It may involve chemical and physical interactions between the patient and the therapist, and which are then monitored and analysed. Bio-Mechanical stimulation is used to restore damaged or lost tissues due to injury or disease. The application of BMS has allowed many to move more freely and without pain, with some even saying they feel like new. Here are just some of the incredible benefits you can experience when taking part in an a Bio-Mechanical Stimulation massage treatment.

    This kind of massage can assist in the healing process of someone suffering from an injury or chronic pain. A Bio-Mechanical stimulation treatment may also reduce muscle spasms as well as improve flexibility of the muscles, thereby increasing the flexibility of the joints. There have been numerous studies carried out and results indicate that up to 90 percent of chronic pain sufferers can be alleviated through the treatment using Bio-Mechanical Stimulation treatments. The results of these studies show that patients who have received treatment have reported pain relief lasting up to six months. They also report less soreness and discomfort.

    This treatment can relieve tension in the joints and muscles as well as ease tension on the back. Healthy tissue is restored by the increased blood circulation. BMS can also be used to alleviate arthritis pain. Many suffer from constant tension within the back, shoulders, legs and joints. It can make it difficult for people to do daily activities such as standing, sitting, and walking. The use of Bio-Mechanical stimulation massage can relieve pain and improve the condition within a few days.

    It is among the few therapeutic massage techniques that use mechanical pressure to ease soreness and stiffness. Bio-Mechanical Stimulation consists of the application of pressure using mechanical devices like weights, rollers and even a massage chair. 천안출장 The mechanical devices are used with massage techniques that are therapeutic to relieve tension in the body. Bio-Mechanical stimulation, a type of massage therapy, has been designed to relieve chronic pain. Bio-Mechanical stimulation has been shown to be extremely beneficial in relieving and reduction of muscle spasms, as well in stiffness and swelling.

    Bio-Mechanical Stimulation, also known as active release technique is a unique blend of different massage techniques that target specific areas of the body. This type of therapy is particularly beneficial for people with chronic painful muscles, arthritis, bursitis, stiff muscles cramps, etc. It can aid in the restoration of soft tissues and reduce the discomfort. Bio-Mechanical stimulates the body using mechanical stimulation as a way of applying pressure to certain target soft tissues. The goal of this therapy is to provide relief from pain by relaxing tight muscles and soft tissues.

    A person suffering from muscle cramps will usually take a hot shower for 20 minutes and then perform a light stretching exercise. Sometimes it is possible to relieved by applying pressure to the affected area with a massager that uses bio-mechanical stimulation. The pain will decrease by the stimulation that is performed frequently. The massage therapist should avoid applying excessive force or pressure while working on muscles cramps because it could cause injuries. A experienced massage therapist will be able to determine the right pressure to apply to the affected muscle and ensure that the body is at ease throughout the treatment session.

    Bio-Mechanical stimulation is beneficial for those suffering from chronic ailments like chronic leg pain or lower back pain. The continuous application of pressure can to relax and loosen muscles making it more pliable. If the therapist is spending a great amount of time on one spot the patient may feel soreness in that particular region, caused by the suction force of the massage tool. The soreness will fade when the massage is done consistently. Bio-mechanical stimulation is employed by many athletes to relieve soreness and prevent injuries to connective tissues and muscles. Many professional athletes have reported a significant decrease in pain after starting physical therapy and regular treatments.

    Another advantage of bio-mechanical therapies is the elimination of tension in the muscles. Muscle tension can cause stiffness, soreness and pain. Muscle strain can increase the chance of injuries to joints and tendons. Specialized equipment is used by massage therapists in order to reduce tension in muscles, which can help prevent soreness and injury.