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Gustavo Petro , the presidential candidate generated a heated meeting over social networks between General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro, the head of the Army, and the person who is running for the country’s first position by the Historic Pact. Petro sent a message saying that some (generally-ranking) officers “are employed by Clan.”
“While the soldiers from the Gulf Clan are being killed but some of their generals are still on the Clan’s payroll.” They are eventually elevated to the rank of generals.” Gustavo Petro, a social network user has stated that the heads of the drug trade are corrupted.
gustavo petro prompted the response of the Army Commander and Commander of the Army, who in six trillions interviewed the presidential candidate.
General Zapateiro declared, “There is no one more affected by the loss of a soldier more than the families of the camouflaged soldiers, but their ultimate sacrifice to the country shouldn’t be used in the narratives of political campaigns.”
Francia Marquez denied being a Cali resident.
In gustavo petro of the highest rank spoke about the soldiers who been killed in recent days. “More than 500 soldiers have been killed or injured in the last 2021. There was no announcement regarding their sacrifice. It’s odd that the pain and death of patriotic heroes is now used to generate other signs.
Gustavo Petro, the army commander, asked Gustavo Petro if he knew of any connections between groups or generals that were not subject to the law and urged him to make a complaint.
“Senator. petro gustavo use your investiture, your inviolability as a parliamentarian to foretell the demise of our troops. Instead, you should do your duty as a citizen by submitting a valid grievance to the
@FiscaliaCol of the details that you mention, whoever it is”” the general indicated.
He also added a third trill. “I reminds you that as senators, you are part of a group that you are allowed to refer to as ‘drug trafficking political figures’. I suggest that citizens do not generalize. http://www.semana.com/semana-tv/vicky-en-semana/articulo/me-preocupa-que-gustavo-petro-llegue-a-la-presidencia/202157/ and foremost”
One of the messages of the high official that generated the most controversy is one that says that the Colombians have seen the current president receiving cash “in the garbage bag”.
“I have never witnessed an official receiving cash that was stolen on television.” General Zapateiro declared that Colombians have witnessed him receiving cash in a garbage bag.
In the final note the official added “to the most enduring institution in the nation, whose members, men and women, unconditionally and without hesitation, have defended democracy of this nation for more than 200 years, even offering their lives for the cause to defend it, I request respect.”