• Clausen Shea közzétett egy állapot frissítést 2 év, 8 hónap óta

    Gustavo Petro, presidential candidate, made a strong social network connection between the candidate to the first position within the country as part of the Historic Pact as well as General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro who is the Army commanding officer. Gustavo Petro Petro claimed that some (generally) officers were “on the payroll of the Clan.”

    americasquarterly.org/fulltextarticle/quien-le-teme-a-gustavo-petro/ es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustavo_Petro “While the soldiers are killed at the at the hands of the Gulf Clan; some of the generals on the payroll of the Clan are also dead,” Gustavo Petro stated. The leadership is corrupted because the people who are involved in drug trafficking industry are the.that ultimately ascend to generals”” Gustavo Petro said on social networks.

    General Zapateiro’s response

    The message prompted an Army commander’s response. He demanded the presidential candidate six times for his remarks.

    General Zapateiro said: “There is no person more hurt by a soldier’s death than those of us wearing camouflage. http://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/luis-ernesto-gomez-reacciones-por-su-llegada-a-campana-de-gustavo-petro-674840 Their families and the homeland are also affected, but the supreme sacrifice they made for their country must not be used as a campaign narrative.”

    Francia Marquez was unable to claim two homes in Cali.

    In the second text the officer of the highest rank spoke about the soldiers who lost their lives in recent years. “Since 2021, more than 500 soldiers were wounded or killed during the execution of the mission. Their sacrifices were not publicly acknowledged, so there has been no announcements. petro gustavo http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/politica/petro-dice-que-en-su-gobierno-si-extraditaria-a-piedad-cordoba-NF17568612 It’s quite interesting that the loss of heroes is now a source of affliction and is used to signify other things.

    Gustavo Petro asked the army commander if he knew any information about connections between groups and generals that weren’t covered by the law. gustavo petro If so the commander should file a complaint to the authorities.

    “Senator, do not use your power of investiture (parliamentary inviolability) to claim to be a politicizing of the death of our soldiers. Instead perform your civic duty by submitting a an substantiated complaint to


    He then offered a third note: “I recall that as a senator, you are part of a group you can identify as ‘drug trafficking politicians’. As a citizen, I suggest to not to generalize. Be respectful first and foremost””

    One of the most controversial comments by the high officials is that in which the official claimed that Colombians saw their president receive money “ina garbage bag”.

    “I have never seen an official receiving cash that was stolen on the television.” The Colombians saw you get money in a bag” General Zapateiro declared.

    And in a final message the official added “to the oldest institution in this country, whose members, men and women, unconditionally, have defended the democracy of this country for more than 200 years, and even offered their lives for the cause to defend it, I request respect.”