• Blaabjerg McGinnis közzétett egy állapot frissítést 2 év, 7 hónap óta

    Much more than 40 associations and also associations that make up the active get of the public power, gave out a shared claim through which reinforced the commander of the National Military, overall Eduardo Zapateiro, this account of the crossing of trills with the legislator and also governmental candidate Gustavo Petro.

    In the claim, the reservists assured that” “Our team strongly assist the posture of Mr. gustavo petro General Eduardo Zapateiro, commander of the National Army, in which he defends the institutional honor and dignity of those who with devotion as well as institutional dedication are at the service of the excellent rate of interests of the Homeland.” petro gustavo They likewise refused that the death of the army killed in the country is used for political purposes.

    They said again the placement that the basic did certainly not abuse post 219 of the Constitution, which guarantees everyone pressure is non-deliberative, this before the action that Zapateiro created him the candidate of the Covenant Historic: “Under no circumstances can be thought about as political thought the answer of the god basic Zapateiro prior to public complaints untrue as well as infamous a presidential applicant, (…) by comparison, are actually the Military Forces was actually the 1st organization to keep as well as respect the constitutional purchase.”

    hsbnoticias.com/new/en/node/de-guerrillero-candidato-presidencial-que-pasara-con-las-guerrillas-si-gustavo-petro-gana-las On top of that, the retired armed forces guaranteed that the work done due to the Army can certainly not be questioned as well as “even much less, that it is with slander as well as infamy.” They asked for that presidential candidate Gustavo Petro steer clear of “claims that seek electoral earnings and also display unawareness of the careful process of picking generals,” the statement stated.

    In the two-page claim, the 40 affiliations and associations additionally criticized the speeches created by presidential applicant Sergio Fajardo, along with that of congressmen Roy Barreras and also Iván Cepeda.

    caracol.com.co/tag/gustavo_francisco_petro_urrego/a/ They assure that” “They are actually the reflection of a rigged political discourse that strives to misdirect and also puzzle to have an effect on the integrity and stature of among the companies most cherished by Colombians.”

    The Public Force Reserve calls on “all Colombians to remain unified through bordering and also holding our marvelous National Army.” http://www.pulzo.com/noticias/gustavo-petro