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    On Sunday Gustavo Petro, the candidate for Gustavo Petro, confirmed the favoritism that polls have been indicating for many weeks.

    (Positions for those who wish to join (Positions for candidates to Historic Pact of Pensions and Inclusiveness).

    The victory of the Historic Pact coalition was won by the former mayor of Bogota and also the former senator of the Republic. He was officially a candidate for Presidency of Republic, which is the position he has always wanted to achieve for the third consecutive time.

    The overwhelming majority in the consultation leads him to be the most representative of the figures of the Colombian left and a solid candidate for president despite his controversial plans and views on a variety of areas, including the one on economics.

    http://www.dinero.com/empresas/confidencias-on-line/articulo/gustavo-petro-preocupa-a-wall-street/255306 Petro declared his intention to adjust the pension system by creating the position of a public administrator for pension funds. This will allow Petro to mix private and public funds into a “mixed, complementary system.”

    According Petro, there’s no pension system in Colombia. But banks make profits. gustavo petro A lot of people have stated that Petro would eliminate any chance of being elected President. Petro recently said that he would not eliminate the system but would push for reforms to pensions in order to ensure a minimum income for Colombians. flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2883-gustavo-petro-estigmatiza-y-genera-un-clima-de-violencia-contra-rcn Petro also said that it’s not necessary to raise the age at which pensioners can retire.

    (Who are the potential candidates to be the candidates for the Historic Pact?

    Another issue that has caused controversy is the fact that he repeatedly promised that he will stop oil extraction when he takes office as president, which has caused a lot of uncertainty among investors and the market as a whole.

    Experts estimate that Petro’s plan to stop oil exploration could cost Colombia around $4.3 billion.

    This plan includes the establishment of an anti-oil front in both the region and around the world , which will move the economy away fro fossil fuels. I would invite Gabriel Boric to Chile and LuizInacio Lula de Silva to join me.

    Petro stated that he has talked to Pedro Sanchez, the Prime Minister of Spain regarding his plan.

    His position on healthcare issues is also controversial. He insists on ending EPS and replacing it with an preventive model of healthcare that “guarantees the rights of individuals and not the bankers’ profits.”

    He also challenged the autonomy of Banco de la Republica, and declared that he will also revamp the institution in the event of being elected President.

    Petro stated that the Bank Board of Directors belongs to the Democratic Center. Accordingly, the candidate in the middle of a discussion said “What do we really want? http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/politica/petro-dice-que-en-su-gobierno-si-extraditaria-a-piedad-cordoba-NF17568612 An independently run Bank of the Republic (…) It’s to me that it is essential that the board of director has the presence of the Society.”

    Invamer says that Petro is leading the voting intention for the presidential elections.

    It was also controversial that he suggested to issue cash to fund the government’s expenditures.

    Petro’s plan includes an economic model that doesn’t rely on fossil fuels. It also proposes hydrocarbon extraction. But, Petro places more emphasis on agriculture.

    americasquarterly.org/fulltextarticle/quien-le-teme-a-gustavo-petro/ He also proposes a tax overhaul that eliminates exemptions, and changes the concept of minimum wages by real wages that are based on capital or income. Gustavo Petro