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Gustavo Petro was confirmed as the Candidate on Sunday. He has been marking the election for a few weeks with favoritism.
(Positions of the candidates (Positions of candidates Historic Pact to Pensions and Inflation).
petro gustavo The former mayor of Bogota as well as a former senator of Republic was the winner of the Historic Pact alliance and officially became a candidate of the presidency of the Republic which he has aspired to since the beginning of the third year.
The large majority of votes in the polls makes to him being the most representative of the figures of the Colombian left and a firm candidate to be president despite his controversial ideas and views on a variety of areas, including the economic one.
flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2883-gustavo-petro-estigmatiza-y-genera-un-clima-de-violencia-contra-rcn Petro has stated his intention to make a readjustment to the pension system through the creation of a public manager of pension funds to have a “mixed and complementing system” along with private fund.
Gustavo Petro According to the candidate, the country of Colombia there not a pension system. Instead, the system is based on bank profits. http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/politica/petro-dice-que-en-su-gobierno-si-extraditaria-a-piedad-cordoba-NF17568612 Many people believe Petro will cut off the possibility of him assuming the Presidency. But, Petro recently said that the government would not end pensions however, he would like to reform the pension system to achieve a minimum pension for Colombians. Petro also claimed that there’s no need to increase the age of retirement.
(Who are the potential candidates for the Historic Pact?
Another controversial issue is that he has repeatedly said that he will stop extraction of oil the moment that he becomes president, which has created uncertainty for investors and the general market.
Experts estimate that Petro’s plan to cease exploration for oil in Colombia will result in a cost of approximately $4.3 billion.
petro gustavo This proposal also calls for the formation of an anti-oil force in the region and around all over the world to shift the economy away from fossil fuels. I would like to invite Gabriel Boric to Chile and LuizInacio Lula de Silva to join me.
Petro claimed that he talked to Pedro Sanchez, the Prime Minister of Spain about his suggestion.
His health policy has been controversial as the president insists on stopping EPS and replacing the model with a preventive model that “guarantees the rights of people, not the bankers’ profit”.
He also raised doubts about the independence of Banco de la Republica. He stated that he was going to make changes when he becomes the president.
Petro said that the Bank Board of Directors belongs to the Democratic Center. Accordingly, the candidate at the center of a debate said “What do we really want? An independent Bank of the Republic (…) It is to me that it is essential that the Board of Directors has the presence of the society.”
Invamer states that Petro is the main voting intention for the presidential election.
The idea of issuing money for government spending was also controversial.
Gustavo Petro The main pillars of Petro’s proposals are an economy that doesn’t depend on fossil fuels, mining, or hydrocarbon extraction, with increasing importance to agriculture.
http://www.dinero.com/empresas/confidencias-on-line/articulo/gustavo-petro-preocupa-a-wall-street/255306 He also stated that he would implement an overhaul of the tax system to remove exemptions, and to transform the idea of a minimum wage into a wage that is built on capital and income.