• Knowles Cantu közzétett egy állapot frissítést 2 év, 9 hónap óta

    Gustavo Petro ‘s trill caused tension between the president’s candidate and general Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro the commander, on social media. Petro wrote in the message, “Some Clan officers are employed by the Clan.”

    “While the soldiers from the Gulf Clan are being killed but some of their generals are still employed by the Clan.” The fact that they ascend toward the generals is the thing that corrupts the leadership” Gustavo Petro stated on social media.

    http://www.pulzo.com/noticias/gustavo-petro provoked the response of the Army commander with six trills, who challenged the presidential candidate over his comments.

    General Zapateiro said: “There is no person more hurt by a soldier’s death than us who wear camouflage. Their families as well as the homeland are also affected, but the supreme sacrifice they made for their country should not be made into a message for campaigning.”

    Francia Marquez claimed she was not a Cali resident.

    A second message was also sent by the officer in charge who spoke about the recent deaths of soldiers. “Since 2021, more than 500 soldiers were killed and injured as they carried out their mission and their sacrifice was unnoticed, there were no declarations. It’s odd that the suffering and death of patriotic heroes can now be used to create other manifestations.

    http://www.secretariasenado.gov.co/senadores/53-senadores-2018-2022/1512-gustavo-francisco-petro-urrego was asked by the army commander to inform Gustavo Petro about any possible links between generals, and other groups that are not law enforcement. He should also make a formal complaint to authorities.

    “Senator. gustavo petro make use of your investiture (parliamentary immunity) to try to politicize the deaths of our soldiers. Instead, fulfill your citizen duty and submit an authentic complaint.

    @FiscaliaCol of the facts that you have mentioned, who is”” the person who is the general mentioned.

    Then, http://www.larepublica.co/gustavo-petro added a second note: “I remind that senators are part of the same group as drug trafficking politicians.” I suggest that citizens do not generalize. Be respectful first and foremost”

    One of the most controversial statements by the high officials is that in which he claimed Colombians were witnessing their current president receive cash “ina garbage bag”.

    “I have not seen a general on television receiving money that is fraudulently obtained. General Zapateiro said that Colombians were witness to him taking money from a garbage bag.

    The official concluded his remarks by declaring that he would seek respect for the oldest institution in the country. The members, men and women, have unreservedly upheld democracy across the country for over 200 year, even sacrificing their own lives.