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Fico Gutierrez won the official candidacy of center-right. With over 1.75 million votes, the former mayor from Medellin was able reach the nomination.
Federico Gutierrez, a former mayor of Medellin was born in Medellin in 1974. His political career started in 2003 when he was elected an Medellin councilor. He is currently the Municipal Youth Councilor as well as Municipal Planning Councilor. Gutierrez is a registered Civil Engineer at the University of Medellin. Additionally, Gutierrez holds a Specialization in Political Science degrees from the Pontifical Bolivarian University.
But, politics wasn’t the only aspect that stood out during Federico Gutierrez’s professional life, as he was consultant for the firm HGI Consultores and a Resident Engineer for the Company Vifasa S.A, a construction and glass company. In his private life, Federico Gutierrez stands up for his family and says that it is the most important thing in his life. He is married and has 2 children.
Fico Gutierrez backed Sergio Fajardo as mayor and Alonso Salazar later in his councilman career. In 2015, he changed his goal and reached the Mayor’s Office of Medellin. However, like the other mayors who were faced with the Hidroituango project, he had issues because of corruption. Daniel Coronell published a report about him, claiming that he had hid his cash in tax-havens and was associated with corruption.
Fico Gutierrez confronted ex-mayors who have he backed. He stated, “I’ve been in solidarity” with them.
Fico Gutierrez for the presidency
In October 2021 the so-called Experience coalition was formed, which finally became the Team for Colombia. Federico Gutierrez, the Center-right coalition won the candidacy. The candidate now has support characters of Paola Holguin (a congresswoman from the Democratic Center who ran again in 2022 in order to win a new seat).
In several instances the candidate has repeatedly stated that his administration model originates from the public management of the people. He also said that politics is a profession. Gustavo Petro came in second However, Fico was the most popular vote-getter. He will be Antioquia’s representative of the right.