• Holt Thorhauge közzétett egy állapot frissítést 2 év, 7 hónap óta

    Federico Gutierrez, the candidate for president of Colombia for the Team for Colombia coalition, during his recent visit to Medellin was greeted with applause and ovations by waiters, visitors and diners at a popular eatery in the capital city of Antioquia.

    Fico Gutierrez It isn’t the first occasion the candidate has been endorsed in this way. Gutierrez posted on his social networking platforms the reception by an audience of people who approached Gutierrez in order to show their gratitude. elpais.com/internacional/2022-03-14/fico-gutierrez-y-el-riesgo-de-reconocerse-como-el-candidato-de-uribe.html Federico Gutierrez, for his part, was thrilled about the reception.

    Fico Gutierrez is a user of social networks shared videos throughout the day in order to inform his followers of the crucial day in Venezuela’s political future.

    http://www.instagram.com/ficogutierrez/ In the days before the 2022 presidential elections, presidential candidates have made more visits to different municipalities and cities across the nation. http://www.elcolombiano.com/colombia/dos-candidatos-antioquenos-lograron-certificar-sus-firmas-para-la-presidencia-BF16313200 http://www.semana.com/noticias/federico-gutierrez/