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Reflexology, also known as foot reflexology therapy is a non-traditional therapy that involves applying pressure to specific areas on the hands and feet. It is usually done using the thumb and little finger, and hand massage methods without the application of lotion or oil. This technique is thought to aid in maintaining general health and well-being by giving the body’s own healing powers to do similar tasks. The premise behind Reflexology is that the body is connected via various energy pathways within the body. If these energy pathways become blocked, symptoms like pain, stress and insomnia as well as digestive issues are felt. When these ailments are prolonged for a long period of time can cause severe injuries to the body usually which can lead to death.
There are now more than 60 licensed reflexologists in the United States. Although many offer conventional therapies, many others have incorporated complementary therapies in their practices to create a more customized method of treating their patients. Traditional reflexologists may carry out all the treatments on their own, while others suggest that you consult an Reflexologist through a doctor they work directly with. Most reflexologists who operate on their own are extremely skilled at what they do however they can have only a few patients at a time due the inherent nature of their treatment. On the other hand, a Reflexologist working alongside the primary care physician enjoys advantages of having many patient consultations.
Many reflexologists believe that specific points found on the feet and hands are linked to other areas of the body. By studying, they are able to identify specific areas in the feet and hands that are linked to various organs and systems within the body. Applying gentle pressure to the specific areas, reflexologists believe that specific organs and systems can receive specific messages through the natural energy pathways of the feet and hands. If this occurs, the individual’s entire health and state of health is affected.
Reflexology can reduce pain if you ask. The application of pressure to certain reflex points has been proven to decrease the pain and increase circulation in the long term. This alone makes it an ideal alternative to pain management in the long run. It should also be noted that foot reflexology is often referred to as “natural chiropractic,” that is in line with the holistic principles of contemporary complementary therapy.
Another area where reflexology is commonly utilized is in the area of self-initiated assistance. For example in the case of a person who suffers from constant headaches, they can add essential oils to the hands and scalp massage before sleeping. This will promote relaxation, blood flow and improve sleep quality. In providing self-initiated help in the form of massaging the scalp, a reflexologist helps patients achieve harmony in mind, body and spirit. A reflexologist is recommended to those who need to reduce tension, stress and/or headaches.
If you are considering foot reflexology treatment reported to relieve pain and boost circulation, it is suggested to utilize a home machine. There are a variety of machines that can be used to treat reflexology, and have been in use for a number of decades. Many have experienced relief from tension headaches and tinnitus, thanks to these machines according to research. Many people have reported that the machine is soothing and reduces inflammation and boosts circulation while giving people more comfort and balance. So, before deciding which Reflexology machine(s) to buy, you should always inquire with your professional what they would recommend.
In terms of developing and implementing techniques for reflexology it is recommended to consult a professional who has experience and is well-trained in providing treatment. While reflexology is safe for people of all ages, it is best to have a professional who has expertise and experience in providing treatment. It is best to not apply pressure to the feet and stimulate the nerves with gentle pressure. This can cause further complications. When receiving treatment or applying it an expert should make sure that they know exactly how to perform each particular method and ensure that they are doing it properly and safely.
Reflexology has shown a significant improvement in the lives of the majority clients who have tried it. Many clients continue to receive the same kind of self-initiated assistance regardless of having received treatment. It is found that certain ailments don’t improve unless they take responsibility for their health. When they regularly provide self-initiated support, it’s crucial that the reflexologist is competent in identifying and treating specific conditions, aswell being able to improve overall health.