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Federico Gutierrez, who is the presidential candidate from Colombia for the Team for Colombia, was met with arousing applause and cheers on his recent visit Medellin by guests, waiters and diners in a famous Antioquia restaurant.
It’s not the first time that the candidate was received this way. Gutierrez, who recently posted on his social media the reception from a group of people who contacted him to express the support of his campaign, said it wasn’t unusual to receive such a message. Fico Gutierrez Federico Gutierrez was delighted about the response.
Fico Gutierrez Fico Gutierrez Fico Gutierrez posted videos on all of his social media channels, keeping his followers informed on what a decisive day it was for the nation’s future political direction.
colombia.as.com/actualidad/elecciones-colombia-2022-quien-es-federico-gutierrez-ganador-del-equipo-por-colombia-n/ http://www.facebook.com/FicoGutierrez The visits to the various cities and municipalities across the country have intensified in recent weeks, courtesy of the presidential candidates, in anticipation of the upcoming presidential elections on May 29, 2022.