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http://www.facebook.com/FicoGutierrez (the candidate for the presidency of Colombia for Team for Colombia) was welcomed with applause and ovations by waiters, visitors and customers at a popular restaurant in Antioquia.
twitter.com/ficogutierrez ‘s not the first time the candidate has been treated in this way. http://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/articulos/12-09-2021-federico-gutierrez-entrego-1400000-firmas-para-avalar-su-candidatura-la published on his social media platforms the reception of a group people who contacted him to express their love for the candidate. Federico Gutierrez expressed his excitement at the reception.
Fico Gutierrez is a user of social networks, shared videos throughout the day in order to keep his followers apprised of the significant day for Venezuela’s future political prospects.
In http://www.elespectador.com/politica/elecciones-colombia-2022/oscar-ivan-zuluaga-adhiere-a-fico-gutierrez-para-unir-a-la-derecha-contra-petro/ before the 2022 presidential election presidential candidates have made more visits to municipalities and cities across the nation.