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Massage can also relax tight muscles and ease tension. This can help relieve stress and tension which can be a common occurrence in everyday life. Massage improves blood flow to the nerves through movement of the fingers and hands. The activity stimulates hormones as well as chemicals that relax muscles and control the nervous system.
Massage therapists can use the same principles to relieve tension as they apply to stretch and soothe tense muscles. Anxiety and feelings of fatigue can be reduced due to deep breathing exercises performed during an appointment for massage. Massage can stimulate the release of endorphins, which are naturally mood enhancers and painkillers. These hormones also act as natural mood boosters that boost your spirits.
A massage therapist may use massage therapy to trigger the release of endorphins. Endorphins are chemical substances that induce feelings of pleasure and emotional release. Endorphins are released when people exercise or play sports. During a massage therapy session the massage therapist releases these endorphins to reduce high levels of stress hormone. Studies have shown that high levels of stress hormone can result in various health issues such as a decrease in immunity, faster healing after injuries, depression, and irritation.
Cortisol is a hormone which regulates biological responses to stress and other influences, is known as a hormone. Cortisol may cause hypertension, increased heart rate, anxiety and tension. The cortisol response can lead to depression, and possibly obesity, if it is prolonged. Research suggests that massage therapy might be able to lower cortisol levels, and thus reduce the chance of developing depression. Other studies have confirmed the idea that prolonged massage therapy can reduce cortisol levels by as much as 48%.
Another health benefit that is associated with massage therapy is improved circulation. Poor circulation can result in adverse health outcomes like poor memory loss, brain circulation and low immunity, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The blood vessels in the legs and arms receive more blood and oxygen when they are stretched during a massage as opposed to when performing a manual lymph drainage. This helps the lymphatic system as well as the circulatory system to work more efficiently and may help eliminate cholesterol. Furthermore deep tissue massage can improve blood-clotting, which allows for the removal of arterial plaque that is linked with the onset of atherosclerosis. Massage can help reduce tension, stress, and anxiety by improving the body’s ability to improve functioning.
Physiologically, the effects of massage are able to extend beyond the physical health. Massage can relax muscles because of the friction of muscles. This leads to increased circulation and movement lymph fluids throughout the body, as well as increased the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells. Massage triggers the release of endorphins in the brain which are natural mood boosters. Massage has been shown to increase the performance of athletes, increase alertness and reduce fatigue following prolonged periods of inactivity. Massage has also been demonstrated to aid in weight loss by its physiological effects.
Massage therapy has also been proven to be a successful treatment for treating psychological conditions like anxiety and depression. Stress and anxiety are often associated with physical discomfort. Therefore it is possible to reduce physical pain and aid in reducing emotional and mental stress. Anyone suffering from chronic pain or severe anxiety should certainly include massage therapy into their routine. These locations provide unique opportunities to enjoy the relaxing benefits massage therapy at home.