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    Gustavo Petro’s trill generated a difficult meeting between the presidential candidate presidency and General Eduardo Enrique Zapateiro (commander of the Army), on social media. Petro sent a message saying that certain (generally-ranking) officers “are employed by Clan.”

    “While soldiers are being killed by Gulf Clan, some generals are on the payroll of Clan. Politicians who are involved in drug trafficking influence the leaders. Gustavo Petro spoke on social networks.

    http://www.eltiempo.com/bogota/luis-ernesto-gomez-reacciones-por-su-llegada-a-campana-de-gustavo-petro-674840 General Zapateiro’s response

    This message generated the response from the Army commander, who in six trills asked the presidential candidate about his statement.

    General Zapateiro declared: “There is no person more wounded by a soldier’s death than those of us wearing camouflage. petro gustavo flip.org.co/index.php/es/informacion/pronunciamientos/item/2883-gustavo-petro-estigmatiza-y-genera-un-clima-de-violencia-contra-rcn Their families and their homeland are also affected however the ultimate sacrifice that they gave for their country must not be used as a political message for campaigning.”

    Francia Marquez claimed she was not a Cali resident.

    In another message the senior officer spoke about the amount of soldiers who died in recent times. “Since 2021, more than 500 military personnel have been injured or killed in the course of their mission. Their sacrifice was not publicly acknowledged, so there were no announcements. It’s interesting that the loss of heroes of the fatherland does generate affliction and can be used as a sign for other reasons.”

    Gustavo Petro asked the army commander if he knew any details about links between generals and groups which were not covered by law. petro gustavo If yes then he must file a complaint to the authorities.

    “Senator. Don’t make use of your investiture (parliamentary non-changeability) to suggest that you are politicizing the death of our troops. instead, fulfill your civic duty of submitting a substantiated claim to the

    @FiscaliaCol the facts you mentioned the facts you mentioned, regardless of who”” the general indicated.

    http://www.dinero.com/empresas/confidencias-on-line/articulo/gustavo-petro-preocupa-a-wall-street/255306 He added another soundbite: “I remind you that as a senator, you are part of the group that you are allowed to call out as ‘drug-trafficking politicians’. cnnespanol.cnn.com/2022/05/29/gustavo-petro-guerrillero-m-19-historia-orix-2/ As citizens, it’s crucial that you don’t generalize. Be respectful first and foremost”

    One of the statements of the official who caused controversy was the one in which he claims that Colombians have seen the current president’s campaign receiving cash “in garbage bags”.

    “I have never witnessed a general receiving ill-gotten cash on television.” es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gustavo_Petro General Zapateiro stated that Colombians were used to the practice of receiving money in garbage bags.

    In closing the official’s statement, he wrote “to the oldest group in this country, which members, men, as well as women, have unflinchingly upheld the democratic system and this nation for over two centuries, and even offered their lives for the cause, I demand respect.”