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aktív 3 év óta-
Larsson Boysen közzétett egy állapot frissítést 3 év óta
Atherosclerosis can be a common condition. Appears in people over 35 years old. This disease has a major problem: both medium and large vessels are severely affected. They develop cholesterol deposits on their walls. They only increase in size over time, which can lead to a significant narrowing of the lumen. The organs experience a loss…[Olvass tovább]
Larsson Boysen közzétett egy állapot frissítést 3 év óta
Atherosclerosis is a fairly common disease. Atherosclerosis is most common in those over 35. This disease has a major problem: both medium and large vessels are severely affected. They develop cholesterol deposits on their walls. Over the years, they only grow and significantly narrow the lumen. As a result, the organs begin to experience…[Olvass tovább]
Larsson Boysen regisztrált tag lett 3 év óta