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Federico Gutierrez as presidential candidate says that votes can only be won in the streets. More, it’s less than 32 days before the first presidential round in which he has promised to play a major role and compete with Gustavo Petro, his main rival, the quota for the House of Narino in an likely second round.
Gutierrez started out early Saturday morning for Boyaca. forbes.co/2021/11/25/precandidatos-presidenciales/es-increible-ver-el-obstaculo-que-le-han-puesto-a-hidroituango-de-manera-irresponsable/ Boyaca was a religious area that Petro visited on Friday. Fico Gutierrez Formerly, the mayor of Medellin was currently a candidate for the center-right. He went to Tunja and spoke with farmers, academics, peasants and businessmen.
Fico’s principal meeting was held at the Tunja Convention Center. Here he brought together a number of citizens who voted for his candidacy on May 29.
Federico, along with hundreds of fellow citizens, posted along with hundreds of other colombians, posted a Twitter video in which Federico thanked Tunja citizens and stated that he was going to win. He also stated: “We’re Going To Win, We All, We Go for the Presidency to Change and unite Colombia.” The candidate for the presidency recorded a group of people who were in support of him, without stopping.
“Happy at Boyaca!” He said, “Happy in Boysaca!”
The second pointer on the ballots was the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Chiquinquira during the trip. The location is where many followers and faithful visit from all over the country every weekend. There, the leader of the center-right kneeled and gave his life to the Virgin Mary in the in the midst of his followers as well as the faithful waiting for the early morning Eucharist.
“I requested the Virgin to grant me a lot of wisdom. He said that he had asked for his help to my family as well as for all families living in Colombia.
At this point the presidential candidate took a video recording of his visit. Prior to his entry, he had a meeting with several inhabitants of the sector who hugged him, and also wore the official clothes of the Colombian municipality.
Gutierrez arrived at this religious temple in the traditional Boyacan Ruana, as well as the medal of the Virgin de Chiquinquira on the chest. The gesture of devotion was something he was performing during his campaign. You might recall that the Antioquian visited Jericho in Antioquia three week ago and gathered at Mother Laura’s Birthplace, the only Colombian saint canonized recently by Pope Francis.
The candidate traveled to Chiquinquira to meet with the people and to announce his visit to the palace of the president. “Key issues for Chiquinquira: guaranteeing drinking water to all its people, construction and maintenance of roads (especially the Ruta de los Comuneros as well as Chiquinquira’s Ubate section) and tourism as a way to create employment and sustainable growth.” Fico Gutierrez Employment and mining were other major issues addressed by the leader of the paisa.
Fico Gutierrez has spoken out about work. He stated that Tunja is the second largest city in the nation with regard to the unemployment rate. Accordingly, his government plan seeks the creation of “about 22,000 new jobs and at least 300 new businesses in Boyaca”.
http://www.elpais.com.co/politica/fico-gutierrez-candidato-de-la-coalicion-equipo-por-colombia-sera-la-nueva-cara-del-uribismo.html On the other side, he stated that sustainable mobility must be created in the department. Fico Gutierrez He was of the opinion that it is crucial to prioritize the design of the Strategic Public Transport System. Together, he indicated that he would work towards the construction of roads as well as cycle routes.
He also sent a message out to the potato farmers: “Peasants & farmers of Boyaca We will strive to create more chances and income, and we will re-dignify the potato industry.” This tweet is the most recent tweet he has tweeted. Gutierrez continues to reach out to Colombians. He’ll share his government plan with the people and will try to make a mark in the next Sunday’s elections.