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    Thai massage or just Thai massage is an ancient therapy that blends various Indian Ayurvedic techniques, acupressure, and simple hatha yoga poses. The Shen-lines concept that is the basis of it, or Thai yoga energy lines was initially discovered and used by Ayurveda following the ancient doctrine of Gorakhnath in India. These lines are similar to the data and as per the ancient philosophy of yoga. Yoga was first practiced in India. But, it came to Southeast Asia where it is becoming a prominent component of spas in a variety of locations. Its popularity among the people of Thailand is likely due to the fact that it’s economical and yet provides significant benefits because of its distinctive mixture of treatments. Also, it has a few risk factors compared with different forms of therapeutic massage.

    The Thai massage is beneficial in many ways for those who practice it. These benefits are principally because of the stretching of muscles that are similar to the stretching of the Hamstrings as part of a Hatha Yoga-like exercise. Stretching helps tremendously with the flexibility. Blood circulation is improved when muscles are stretched. This helps make your body more fit. Thai massages are highly recommended to those who are trying for ways to reduce weight.

    Another advantage of Thai massage is that it promotes the flow of energy. Massage therapy draws the energetic energy within the body, providing more nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Thus, it is said that Thai massages are effective alternatives to modern therapies. It’s remarkable, therefore, that this practice of healing has endured for over the span of 2,500 years.

    The research has shown that the traditional Thai massage is beneficial to pregnant women and breast feeding mothers. But the most reliable evidence of this massage has benefits for all body parts is a study that was conducted in Finland. Over the course of four months, a group of expecting women were treated to a mix of Swedish and traditional Thai massages every week. This combination led to a significant improvement in hormones for these women.

    Thai massage may help improve fitness. In the study, participants included track and field athletes. Participants had to run sprints and long-distance bicycle rides. Additionally, they had to complete sit ups. Regular Thai massages led to greater muscular strength, endurance, ability to move and endurance. The people who received the Swedish massage performed regularly showed improvements in their stability, coordination, flexibility as well as muscle strength.

    The mind also can be altered with Thai massage. In a new study by the University of California at Davis the researchers discovered that students at college who had been treated with Thai massage during classes were able to better concentrate and remain focused. Students also noted significant improvements in their verbal and mental ability. Self-esteem among those who took Swedish massage on a regular basis increased significantly compared to those who used it daily. This could result from the manner in which Thai massage therapy works by stretching, yoga postures while holding them in Thai massage therapy. The result is a boost in self-esteem.

    In one study conducted at John Hopkins University, researchers found that Thai massages can be helpful to people suffering from back painful back. Relief from pain was especially noticeable in patients with low back pain chronically. In this particular study, those who suffered from chronic lower back pain had noticed a reduction in their back pain after a period of five and 12 months of one particular kind of Thai massage. Researchers found that subjects after the massage were unable to walk, however they were able stand. Those who had a prior background of back pain experienced no significant change in their level of pain following the treatment.

    Finally, in one study that was performed at the University of California – Davis Researchers discovered that Thai massage may help to alleviate tension headaches. This study revealed that it was believed that traditional Thai massage had positive impacts on people’s moods overall well-being, and sleep routines. It is believed that this improvement in sleep could be able to decrease the amount of headaches caused by tension that a person suffers from. In addition, the massage can also boost the participant general energy levels.